Evidence-based surf-therapy retreats

Resurface provides life changing, evidence-based week-long surf-therapy retreats and bespoke EMDR intensives for trauma, resilience and flow, creativity and self-care (clinicians) in Morocco, across Europe, the US and the UK.

Meet the founder


Josh Dickson

MSc., FDAP (accredited), SMMGP, EMDR (accredited)

Josh is an accredited EMDR Consultant, an accredited drugs and alcohol counsellor and a licenced Heartmath coach. He is the clinical director of the Resurface programme.

He has been working in private practice and as a consultant for Start2Stop since 2012 and has a special interest in treating trauma and promoting positive psychology. He is an experienced group facilitator, lecturer and public speaker.

Josh has recently finished training with The Flow Research Collective and continues to be active in research around flow states, trauma and recovery.

For more information please visit his LinkedIn Page.

All levels of surfing experience welcome from complete beginners to experienced pros
A safe, fun therapeutic space set in a beautiful location for deep work with trusted professionals

Upcoming retreats

Morocco 16 - 23 November 2024

Trauma Resolution

At Resurface, we've unlocked the secret to healing through the unique combination of surfing, group therapy, psycho-education, mindfulness, and bonding in a small, intimate group. By seamlessly blending flow activities and group work, we've seen profound therapeutic breakthroughs and accelerated recovery from past traumas.

Our holistic approach to healing, which focuses on the mind, body, science, and fun, sets us apart. By creating a safe and supportive environment, we empower individuals to transform unconscious traumas into conscious understanding, supported by a toolkit of positive strategies and a community of like-minded peers.

While our program is suitable for all, it is particularly effective for those recovering from addiction, dealing with PTSD, facing childhood issues, or struggling with a fear of life. At Resurface, we're committed to helping our clients turn their traumas into opportunities for growth and positive change.

Morocco 19 - 26 October 2024

Building Resilience

Unlock your highest potential through the science of flourishing. Our life-changing program fuses evidence-based psychology, embodied action, and the power of flow to help you significantly impact your life strategies.

This intimate, intensive experience includes:

Surfing - Ride waves into flow states

Positive psychology - Learn science-backed skills for growth

Mindfulness - Cultivate focus and presence

Group bonding - Support and synergy

We take a holistic approach because human thriving is complex. By integrating cognitive training, full-body movement, and peak performance states, we help you grow into your best self through action, not theory.

This programme is for strivers who want more - more meaning, joy, achievement, connection. With Resurface, those already doing well have the ability to transform into their greatest version of themselves.

The time for impact is now. Join us and unlock your highest potential through the science and magic of surfing powerful waves within and without.



"Thank you for a putting on such a life changing retreat! I’d wanted to try surfing for years but never had the confidence to so do. The structure of the week really got me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow in a supportive environment. I met a great group of people, had lots of laughs and shed a few tears. The professional team were second to none, very inspiring. I would highly recommended the retreat to anyone considering it."

Resurface alumni

"My experience at Resurface was nothing but positive. I gained insight, built resilience, connected with new people, and had lots of fun on top of it all. It was professionally carried out and yet familial at the same time. An absolute boost and turning point in my recovery and process of wellbeing. Everything I hoped for and more. I will definitely join at the next opportunity."

Resurface alumni

"Having spent so long being miserable, experiencing a bit of flourishing and learning to let go of my residual pessimism seemed exactly like what I needed. It was incredibly moving to see these people bravely confront their pain honestly and head-on, and it renewed my faith in the human spirit."

Queen of Retreat Review


"The work that I have done with Resurface has been invaluable.  

Past traumas have been revisited, played out working with the sub-conscious and positive endings achieved.  

 I can’t recommend this enough."

Resurface alumni

“Incredible. You, the team, and the participants have done more for my mental well-being and psychological health than 20 years of trying anything in the field...It's clear you've put so much thought into everything and not a moment or opportunity is wasted and it never feels like a conveyor belt - it's organic alchemy.

Resurface alumni

"I wanted to say thank you for a really amazing week, I didn't quite know what to expect, but the whole retreat and the way it flowed was perfect. 

The morning 'lectures' I found super interesting and helpful and the afternoon psycho drama work was intense but I feel there was a lot I have taken away from it, and the way you hosted them made a safe and comfortable environment. 

The Yoga was an excellent start to the day and I absolutely loved the surfing and Youness... and of course Barnaby’s soothing tones in the evening. 

The week has also helped with my self confidence which I feel was an added bonus. I also feel very lucky to have shared the week with a bloody nice bunch of people. I have returned to back to normal life feeling positive and optimistic and now have lots of resources to hopefully keep those feelings alive.”

Resurface alumni

“Thank you so much, its been an incredible week with an amazingly supportive group. It has really helped me realise what I need to work on and be confident enough to do it. I couldn’t have felt safer.”

Resurface alumni

“A totally enriching and fulfilling week of surfing, therapy, and connection with others - thank you.”

Resurface alumni

“Back in reality with so much lightness, insight and help; thank you Morocco helped shift me back to take responsibility. 

My highlights as I mentioned in no particular order were:

  • an amazing group and your leadership with Barnaby
  • the specially curated day in the middle and the little stop offs and the playlist.  
  • I also was in awe of the psychodramas and your skill there is quite exceptional.  I got over the terror!  
  • Thanks too for suggesting is better to do it with a room mate; that worked out really well. 
  • an amazing surf team/surf beaches I will keep going in Cornwall this summer!  

It was a brilliantly considered and inclusive retreat I can see you have taken time to research and refine.  

Will definitely recommend Resurface and especially in Morocco.  I hope you have a safe trip home and that our paths will cross again soon.”

Resurface alumni
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